With an open soul

Trying to spit some words out
Gazing into your beautiful eyes
While being mesmerized
Days have passed
I’m still here
Too many times
I’ve allowed my mind
To wonder about you
Questioning my sanity
Wasting my time
But am I?
Trying to spit some words out
Gazing into your beautiful eyes
While being mesmerized
Days have passed
I’m still here
Too many times
I’ve allowed my mind
To wonder about you
Questioning my sanity
Wasting my time
But am I?
I<3 U
I will show you
My unspoken words
I will touch your soul
One look is all i need
Ignoring my pain
Hating on my loving
Walking away
Despite it all
I care
Enough to ignore the pain
How can i trust you with my emotions
When you constantly give and take your love?
The only thing that’s constant is your insecurities
The revenge that you throw on me
No mistakes admitted
It ain’t real
This ain’t love
Time to go
I feel alone, empty. No matter what I do to help myself, I can’t seem to make it stop.
I can be surrounded by all my loved ones, but still be missing you tremendously.
Pretending that I’m strong enough, that I don’t need your approval, or your love…
It costs me so much effort and energy to protect myself from you, and the thought of you.
I love you with every fiber of my body, and yet that isn’t enough.
You don’t see me.
You don’t hear me.
You don’t care.
I crave your attention, even though I have no right to do so.
I expect you to show me love, when you literally have no obligation to me.
I thought I was an important part of your life, when clearly, I’m not.
You didn’t choose me, you chose her…I just came along with it.
The sad truth is that I miss you, but most of it, what you represent to me:
Unconditional love that I never had from the man that should have given it to me, but never did.
My heart has lead me to painful memories.
My brain has planned failures and sabotages.
Delusions of my vision, materializing the impossible.
Heard voices that wouldn’t allow me to move, or breath.
People I’ve loved had abused me, mentally and physically.
I’ve been so paranoid that I wouldn’t come out from under my sheets.
I’ve trusted people that only wanted to use me.
I tried to kill myself.
I’ve wished I was dead.
I can’t trust myself.
Now, my love…How can I trust you?