Te vi llegar…y no supe hacer nada más que bloquearme.
Abro los ojos,
Niños al suelo.
Sin diente.
Pensamientos que no pueden parar.
Sin sentir el dolor.
Sin entender.
Sin poder.
Con vida.
I felt so courageous this day!
I had an idea of what I wanted to do, of course, but since I always change my mind…I did!
I was so nervous and vulnerable, specially while singing, oh my God!
The amazing improvisation of Palmyre Collin (the dancer) was just the icing on the cake!
I hope that you can enjoy it as much as I did.
I feel alone, empty. No matter what I do to help myself, I can’t seem to make it stop.
I can be surrounded by all my loved ones, but still be missing you tremendously.
Pretending that I’m strong enough, that I don’t need your approval, or your love…
It costs me so much effort and energy to protect myself from you, and the thought of you.
I love you with every fiber of my body, and yet that isn’t enough.
You don’t see me.
You don’t hear me.
You don’t care.
I crave your attention, even though I have no right to do so.
I expect you to show me love, when you literally have no obligation to me.
I thought I was an important part of your life, when clearly, I’m not.
You didn’t choose me, you chose her…I just came along with it.
The sad truth is that I miss you, but most of it, what you represent to me:
Unconditional love that I never had from the man that should have given it to me, but never did.
My heart has lead me to painful memories.
My brain has planned failures and sabotages.
Delusions of my vision, materializing the impossible.
Heard voices that wouldn’t allow me to move, or breath.
People I’ve loved had abused me, mentally and physically.
I’ve been so paranoid that I wouldn’t come out from under my sheets.
I’ve trusted people that only wanted to use me.
I tried to kill myself.
I’ve wished I was dead.
I can’t trust myself.
Now, my love…How can I trust you?
It has been a while since I’ve updated my “status” so…this is what I’ve been up to:
1. I’m back on medication…that is triggering by itself, and I haven’t stopped since my last episode.
2. I’ve started therapy…let me tell you: I’m proud of all the people that struggle with all those feelings that come up from reliving your traumas and triggers during therapy!
That. Is. Tough! I’ve been having all these mixed episodes…
Some days I feel so overwhelmed that I don’t even know what I’m feeling! What I do know for sure, is that I don’t want to feel that way.
One of my biggest struggles is change, so…be prepared for some real triggering stuff in the near future!
3. I’ve collaborated with the multi-talented Martina Bertola. <3
(part 1)(part 2)(emotionsdon’tscareme)(Animus&Anima)
4. I’ve been actively promoting my poetry/art (or whatever it is)…Waaaaay out of my comfort zone!
First was reading my poems for the Worldbipolarday in Haarlem…in Dutch! 🙈 (plusminus)
I was so nervous, shaking and making mistakes, OH MY GOOOOD! Terrifying!
In May – June I had my second exposition, with pictures and poems that I hope went straight to the/your heart 😉 (Wijkcentrum Alleman)
Then went to a “Poeziemiddag” and decided to improvise and recite some of my poems, live, again! I must admit it went better, I’m proud of myself =)
That escalated into me doing it a third time…soon 😱:
Will you be there? I have a surprise for you! =)
This is our field, and as such, strategy is a must:
A pleasure that will be lost in the silence of these walls that I’ve built and broken so many times before.
This is definitely the biggest raindrop I’ve ever felt, seen, and the wind?! So strong…
I’ll miss you…for a few days…and then it’s over.
The decision to love myself came late, whatever that is, late, too late for me. I know better.
For years you’ve been my friend, my air, my rest and my secure place.
For years all I wanted was to be with you.
Now I know that I’ll be happier without you, richer, healthy from your poison and your lies of false support.
I don’t hate you, on the contrary…but I chose to love myself more.
I want to love you the way that the pianist loves the touch and sound of the notes;make love to you with my eyes closed, just as we enjoy every sensation while feeling your fingers touching my hidden keys.
Laugh with you as our bodies touch in this perfect dance, and feel the pain on my fingertips but still be willing to never want to stop or give up, until the concert is over.
After all those feelings of pleasure…bow down, exit and leave you wanting to come back for more.
This tango isn’t meant to be, it breaks my heart, endlessly.
But I won’t.
But never my soul.
But I won’t risk my life no more.
I am here to stay.
We add it with some Passion, because any good Work, can’t be done without it, obviously…
Good, right?
And passion?
You should be, because the taste, ehm ehm, FEELING was the right word, sorry…
And mixing?
It still needs some Love!
Ma: It’s really cheap and convenient recipe, I’m sure you can do it, and it’s healthy too!
Narrator: For the Prize of a Little bit of your Attention, Time, and Patience I’ll give to you:
Side Effects may include: Growing Up; Feeling Amazing; Learning New Things and Taking Responsibility for your Actions.
P.s. It tastes even better if you let it Rest for a while before you Eat it!
Narrator: You can leave, get offended, and she too could, but you’re both fighters, so stay until you can find a way that works for all of you.
Ma: (…)Yes, talk to you Soon SweetHeart, okay? Love you!