I feel alone, empty. No matter what I do to help myself, I can’t seem to make it stop.
I can be surrounded by all my loved ones, but still be missing you tremendously.
Pretending that I’m strong enough, that I don’t need your approval, or your love…
It costs me so much effort and energy to protect myself from you, and the thought of you.
I love you with every fiber of my body, and yet that isn’t enough.
You don’t see me.
You don’t hear me.
You don’t care.
I crave your attention, even though I have no right to do so.
I expect you to show me love, when you literally have no obligation to me.
I thought I was an important part of your life, when clearly, I’m not.
You didn’t choose me, you chose her…I just came along with it.
The sad truth is that I miss you, but most of it, what you represent to me:
Unconditional love that I never had from the man that should have given it to me, but never did.